I still remember the time when my group chat was buzzing with excitement as EXO took their Daesang in both MMA and MAMA - how proud we were of EXO for receiving the honor they deserve for an amazing year… how in awe we were of the show of Korean EXO-Ls, whose presence and chants were so explosive and massive in our livestreams… how we didn’t want that exact moment to end. It was at that time that we knew we needed to do more… make a better impact with the Korean and Chinese EXO-Ls as our inspiration on their dedication and loyalty to EXO.
I woke up one day with a thought of promoting EXO worldwide, via Twitter - a social media platform where EXO does not have an official account, yet achieved the top trending artist spot for 2016. My group immediately went to action - inviting several EXO-Ls to form group chats to join in our efforts - with the goal of strengthening the presence of International EXO-Ls. EXOGLOBAL instantly welcomed the idea - and further led a group of several fanbases to produce one of the most heartfelt video as a tribute to EXO’s 5-year journey. I still could palpably feel that moment of indescribable joy as my group saw the EXO ad promoted in Twitter and how we helped make that happen.
We thought that our project would stop there - but all the group chats remained active - forming genuine friendships that started with one common interest - EXO. While I am not such a big presence in the chats, I’ve quietly observed the passion and genuine love of my fandom as we encourage each other not only on voting, streaming, (defendingEXOagainstthecrazies), perving and fund-raising - but cheer each other on in our personal lives despite having different languages as our native tongue. We’ve developed great partnerships with other EXO-L fanbases and continued our fan projects - from our intent to protect and cherish members (#WeCherishYixing) to taking care of our fellow Eris during the EXO’rDIUM [dot] concert with EXOGLOBAL taking the lead (#WithLoveIEXOLs).
Because the admins want to do more for EXO - we thought of a website that could assist IEXOLs with all the information about streaming and voting - something easily accessible without having to look for that tweet (or several tweets). Despite not having a native Korean in staff (which we are still on the look out for should you want to volunteer just mention us @intexolteam), our admin took the time to learn to provide tutorials for all the important Korean sites. We graciously found an amazing Chinese EXO-L volunteer to provide the tutorials for the Chinese sites, and an amazing EXO-L web technician to make this dream possible for us. Every article was written with love by a passionate EXO-L staff hoping you could feel our sincerity in providing this resource for you.
This will not be the last blog entry. We will continue to write our passion for EXO here, written by different Intexolteam staff so please do look forward and support it.
With love,